Al Kleinkauf - Head Instructor, School Manager
Al Rentoshi Kleinkauf has been involved in Martial Arts for over 32 years, first studying Tae Kwon Do from 1985 to 1994 and achieving the rank of 2nd Degree Black Belt, and then the To-Shin Do branch of Ninjutsu from 1994 to the present time. He was promoted to Shodan, First Degree Black Belt by An-Shu Stephen K. Hayes in 1999, and continued his training with his personal teacher, 8th Degree Master Mark S. Russo of Tampa, Florida. He currently holds Sandan 3rd Degree Black Belt rank, and the To-Shi warrior name of Rentoshi, which was awarded in 2008. He created and successfully operated Inner Power Martial Arts, L.L.C., of North Platte Nebraska, from 2001 to 2013, then selling that business and relocating to Boise, and establishing Inner Power Ninjutsu of Boise, L.L.C., in the summer of 2013. He currently is the senior instructor of Inner Power Ninjutsu of Boise, L.L.C., and is working on his advancement to Yondan, 4th Degree Black Belt.
Mike Hennessy - Instructor
Mike Hennessy has been studying martial arts since he was a teenager. He holds a 1st degree Black Belt in Bushido-Ryu Karate, as well as a Green Belt in Shorin-Ryu Karate to go with his 2nd degree Black Belt in To Shin do Ninjutsu. He began studying under To Shin do Shihan Mark Sentoshi Russo more than 30 years ago. His teaching style is relaxed and low key. “You can get anywhere you want to go, as long as you keep going!”

Ben Wilcher - Instructor
2nd Degree Black Belt with over 30 years of martial arts experience. He began his training in TaeKwonDo and added supplamental training In Kung Fu and Wrestling. For the last 20 years he has been pursuing ToShinDo. He is an expert on body language and enjoys teaching and exploring the philosophy and history of the Ninja with his students.